A few weeks ago, Jess and I went to a wreath making class held at Piper and Scoot! We made it our Christmas gift to each other since both of us are trying to lean towards investing in experiences, rather than "stuff." Plus we would get a wreath out of it, so why not? Funny side note: I mentally prepared myself that learning a new skill was a good thing, but that my wreath probably wouldn't look very good since it would be my first time. Turns out, the skilled Ashley Nackos pre-made our wreaths and we just decorated them! I'll just have to practice my new skills next year ;)
^^The entire room smelled amaaazing!
Happy early Christmas to us! Thanks Jess for going with me, fan-girling over cool people with me, and convincing me to buy that beautiful buffalo check shirt haha. Wreath making was the best way to get this holiday season started!
*All photos courtesy of Piper and Scoot.
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