I visited my family in Washington a few weeks ago and while we were there, we went blueberry picking. My parents live in a rural town so the farm was only a four minute drive from their house! What a dream! Chris couldn't come with us to Washington and we missed him, but I definitely missed him most while picking berries. He loves blueberries so I was bummed he missed out. It was just me, my mom, Emi, and my nephew, and since we were running behind, we had to pick quickly before they closed at noon. I was really excited to take Emi but she made it very clear that she was hot, tired, and not interested in the berries. Which was really too bad because they were so sweet and juicy. Honestly probably some of the best berries I've ever had! Thankfully Emi fell asleep pretty quickly in the ergo, but it definitely was not like our strawberry picking experience earlier this summer. I guess you win some, you lose some!I brought our big camera, but without Chris' help, I didn't bring it out much. Which is kind of too bad because it was such a good trip, I would've loved to have more pictures. I got to celebrate and attend the wedding of a close friend from high school, see extended family, and meet my new twin nieces (I might share some pictures of them later since I took quite of few)! I played board games with my brother, my mom made three blueberry pies, and I went out to lunch with a girlfriend. My mom also arranged girl time and we all got pedicures! It was the perfect balance of laid back hang-out-with-family days and go-do-and-see-things days.I was really worried how Emi would do without Chris (and me without Chris for three flights...), but we did it and it somehow went really well! We really wished Chris could've come with but I'm so glad I got to spend some time with friends and family this summer.
^^We picked thirteen pounds of blueberries! And by we, I mean I picked about maybe a pound in between eating handfuls and my mom picked the rest haha. Thanks mom! ;)